As Jigga makes his exit from the cult like following after NikNik battle and scamming thousands out of her supporters he’s met with backlash from NikNik and her allegiance of minions who will lay there life down to and there entire saving to be given instructions and orders on TikTok.
Surviving NiknikSpeak48 (episode one)
Julian Gutierrez 1 year
Omg this women is sick I can not stop laughing 😂 🤣🤣 I sent this to 10 people
Surviving NiknikSpeak48 (episode one)
Petty Queen 1 year
I have to say I agree and I often wonder how people continue to follow such a disrespectful obviously unstable individual but then again I have to remember society loves drama, fools, and controversy! I will admit I myself love having controversial debates but I am disgusted how people follow someone who disrespects, dictates and is one of maybe the ONLY people alive that know the facts about everything! Never wrong ever.. so maybe that is the reason so many flock to the madness because it is the 10th wonder of the world, right next to Big Foot, and the lochness monster! lol